Exam Prep Made Easy with


Get your hands on a bunch of curated papers for Grades 4 to 7 (8- 12 coming soon) and get that extra boost of confidence with the perfect study materials.

No need to worry about those upcoming tests and assessments anymore - Examify.study has got you covered and will help you ace your curriculum with awesome results!

About Us

Why Choose Us


Access to a collection of curated papers for Grades 4-7 gives students the chance to practice using actual tests and assessments questions and get comfortable with the way they're laid out and phrased.

A bunch of tests and assessments that are created to evaluate knowledge and skills not only boost confidence but also enhance time management and point out areas that need more focus for additional study.

Having the option to test under timed exam conditions is super helpful for students to train themselves to stay focused, be efficient, and keep their thoughts clear during real exams.

Getting started is as easy as 123. Let's get started!

1. Subscribe to Examify.study

2. Choose an exam

3. Take the test and get the results

Subjects we Offer

Featured Learning Path

Grade 4

Afrikaans English Geography History Life Skills Maths Natural Sciences & Technology

Grade 5

Afrikaans English Geography History Life Skills Maths Natural Sciences & Technology

Grade 6

Afrikaans English Geography History Life Skills Maths Natural Sciences & Technology

Grade 7

Afrikaans Drama EMS English Geography History Life Orientation Maths Music Natural Sciences Technology Visual Arts

Grade 8 -12

Afrikaans Accounting English Geography History Life Orientation Maths Biology Physical sciences Consumer Studies Business studies

Coming Soon

Examify.study Pricing

Pay Annually

All subjects for one grade

R900 - R1238
